Randol B Fletcher

Randol B FletcherRandol B. Fletcher, a lifelong student of history, is a fifth-generation Oregonian born and raised in Albany. He graduated from the University of Oregon with degrees in history and political science. Fletcher has been Civil War reenacting since 2003 nd is often joined on his adventures by his wife, Karen, and their children, Andrew and Allison. As a member, and past camp commander, of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Fletcher began researching the lives of Oregon Civil War soldiers while leading cemetery restoration projects in Eugene, Corvallis and Portland. His research led him to write a series of Civil War-themed articles for Oregon Magazine. Other publications where Fletcher's work has appeared include Columbia Magazine and The Banner. Read More Read Less

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Hidden History of Civil War Oregon24 % NR
Publisher: History Press (SC)
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22 Sep 2011
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