Rami Bahsoon

Rami BahsoonRami Bahsoon is a Senior lecturer in Software Engineering and founder of the Software Engineering for/in the Cloud interest groups at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK. His group currently comprises nine PhD students workin in areas related to cloud software engineering and architectures. The group's research aims at developing architecture and frameworks to support and reason about the development and evolution of dependable ultra-large complex and data-intensive software systems, where the investigations span cloud computing architectures and their economics. Bahsoon had founded and co-organized the International Software Engineering Workshop series on Software Architectures and Mobility held in conjunction with ICSE and the IEEE International Software Engineering IN/FOR the Cloud workshop in conjunction with IEEE Services. He was the lead editor of two journal special issues with the Journal of Systems and Software Elsevier- one on the Future of Software Engineering for/In the Cloud and another on Architecture and Mobility. Bahsoon has co-edited a book on Economics-driven Software Architecture, to be published by Elsevier in 2014 and co-edited another book on Aligning Enterprise, System, and Software Architectures, published by IGI Global in 2012. He is currently acting as the workshop chair for IEEE Services 2014, the Doctoral Symposium chair of IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing Conference (UCC 2014) and the track chair for Utility Computing of HPCC 2014. He holds a PhD in Software Engineering from University College London (UCL) for his research on evaluating software architecture stability using real options. He has also read for MBA-level certificates with London Business School. Read More Read Less

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Relating System Quality and Software Architecture25 % NR
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Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud20 % NR
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Economics-Driven Software Architecture21 % NR
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