Ralph P Ganis

Ralph P GanisMajor Ralph P. Ganis is a native of North Carolina. Prior to writing The Skorzeny Papers, Ganis was a noted Jesse James historian and authored several books and articles on the James-Younger Gang. His historic revelations in UncommonMen: A Secret Network of Jesse James Revealed resulted in Ganis receiving the coveted Perry Award and his book Desperate Measures: Jesse James and the Klan Battles of Reconstruction was cited as "ground breaking" by Duke University and assessed into their archives. Major Ganis has also served as a consultant on numerous documentaries and a Hollywood film on Jesse James. In 1994, Ganis was the first recipient of the Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Award for excellence in research supporting an intelligence study, given by the National Defense University, Defense Intelligence Agency and personally presented to him by the Chief Historian of the United States. Major Ganis earned a BA in History from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense University, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Major Ganis is a veteran of three services: the USMC, the U.S. Army, and the United States Air Force. He participated in Operation Just Cause (Panama Invasion), 1st Gulf War, the Global War on Terror and the 2nd Gulf War. Read More Read Less

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