Ralph Cover

Ralph CoverRalph William Cover, born on 8th September 1945 in Gulgong NSW. The Cover family has lived on the same property for 165 years and has added a little to the family and Australia's history along the way.Raised in the bush 25km from Mudgee, NSW on our fmily property Shipley Glen Grattai. Schooled at Saint Matthew's, Mudgee then to Marist Brothers, Agricultural College, Campbelltown, NSW. Leaving College in 1961. Home and worked on the family wool grazing property for a few years till deciding to try and climb the ladder as a professional footballer. That went quite well and was married. The marriage didn't last, we had two little boys, 20 months, and three years of age. Gaining custody of the boys through the courts and left my job with a wool broker. We came home to Shipley Glen, where the boys were raised with the love and care that mum and dad raised me and my brother Garry. The boys returned the same love as you would to a mother, the only one they knew. While I worked on a neighboring property for four years. After working for and being a rural contractor, a bookkeeper, and a business owner. A mate and I opened a nightclub/restaurant in Mudgee where after 14 years I employed my new wife to be. My eldest son Damian was my best man. We bought 3,116 acres of wool grazing country, in the central west of NSW, raised two lovely daughters and became one of the finest wool producers in the world, gaining some records and sold the property after 17 years to retired to Bathurst. The first town/city in country Australia, the city of the famous racing track where I'm writing to you today. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, with many stories of life, with humour, yet to tell, Hope you like my story cause this is it and the way I see my life. Que Sera Sera. Read More Read Less

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