Rahman Khatibi

Rahman KhatibiRahman Khatibi is a dedicated researcher, professional engineer and manager with an over 30 years successful track record in managing and developing strategies for water systems covering: research, presenting training courses, lecturing (part-time), esign, modelling, developing software and writing proposals. He contributed to (i) generalise theory of evolution, (ii) arithmetic calculus, (iii) risk aggregation and (iv) inclusive multiple models for artificial intelligence. He worked in the water/environmental industry specialising on modelling water waves in open channels and closed conduits, as well as using artificial intelligence techniques, chaos/catastrophe theories and other time series analysis techniques. Currently he is engaged in scholarly research in integrating evolutionary thinking, systems science and complexity science together towards a model of GTE. Read More Read Less

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Differential Calculus59 %
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Risk, Reliability and Sustainable Remediation in the Field of Civil and Environmental Engineering18 % NR
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