Radine America

Radine AmericaHon. RaDine A. is a Wisdom Keeper of her heritage culture, international representative, lecturer, life counselor, researcher, community builder, and teacher. As Founder and International representative for the Foundation for Indigenous America of Ansasi Heritage, she travels extensively throughout the Americas investigating the remaining vestiges of Amerindian heritage culture of Earth still in practice today, while sharing education with the Amerindian people living in the America's about the UN and OAS Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Hon. RaDine has written several books about the hidden heritage of the Earth People's of America's, and has programs, educational lectures, seminars, and classes online with F.I.A.A.H. Institute for Indigenous America Studies for learning traditional life skills . RaDine America has over 20 years of experience in indigenous traditional Earth-culture application, health practice and indigenous therapy.. She also gives in-depth and personal lectures Conservations with RaDine at the Institute for Indigenous America Studies -Yumwija campus in West Virginia. Conversations with RaDine at Yumwija covers a wide range of topics effecting Amerindian viability from the international position towards Amerindian people, to the understanding of the Life resolve covenant of Amerindian people of Earth and how to actively correct the mis-takes taken in one's life that cause harm to the future of life. She is on numerous international committees for drafting recommendations and negotiations for international law legislation protecting indigenous peoples in the Americas from the effects of ethnic cleansing and hegemonic genocide. Read More Read Less

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