Rachel M Jenss

Rachel M Jenss

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Methods of Assessing the Physical Fitness of Children: A Study of Certain Methods Based on Anthropometric, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Observations Made of 713 7-Year-Old White Boys and Girls in New Haven, Conn., Over a Period of 19 or 20 Months DuNR
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Methods of Assessing the Physical Fitness of Children: A Study of Certain Methods Based on Anthropometric, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Observations Made of 713 7-Year-Old White Boys and Girls in New Haven, Conn., Over a Period of 19 or 20 Months DuNR
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Methods of Assessing the Physical Fitness of Children; A Study of Certain Methods Based on Anthropometric, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Observations Made of 713 7-Year Old White Boys and Girls in New Haven, Conn., Over a Period of 19 or 20 Months Du24 % NR
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