R S Bovard

R S BovardR. S. Bovard earned a bachelor's degree in literature from St. Olaf College, studied Shakespeare at Oxford, and later earned a medical degree at the University of Minnesota. While a medical student, he spent three months as a research assistant in analtitude-and-cold injury study on Mount McKinley (Denali), Alaska. Since then he has served as a missionary doctor in Papua New Guinea, as aship's doctor for a Woods Hole SEA research schooner, an Everest expedition doctor, an Aspen ski clinic physician, a set doc on thefilms Cliffhanger and The River Wild, and a base physician at Palmer Station in Antarctica. He is participates in masters swimming and Nordic skiing. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife, Marnie, and three rascal cats, Bo, Tilly & Gus. Read More Read Less

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