R Michael Paige

R Michael PaigeR. Michael Paige was professor of international and intercultural education in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development at the University of Minnesota. He was the cofounder of the university's Comparative and InternationalDevelopment Education (CIDE) program and the EdD program for International Educators. His research focused on the impact of study abroad, the development of intercultural competence, the internationalization of higher education, and global engagement. He codirected or served as a research consultant on a number of major studies including Maximizing Study Abroad, the Georgetown Consortium Project, CIEE's Transformative Power of Study Abroad, and Study Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE). As an active scholar, he coauthored the Maximizing Study Abroad volumes, coedited Culture as the Core: Perspectives on Culture in Second Language Learning, edited Education for the Intercultural Experience, and authored numerous research articles. He was also the recipient of The Forum on Education Abroad's 2007 Peter A. Wollitzer award.

We deeply mourn the loss of author, teacher, and friend R. Michael Paige+.
+Deceased 9 November 2018.
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