Quince R Brown

Quince R BrownQuince R. Brown Sr. is a retired twenty-year US Army veteran and Christian. He has been writing poetry for over twenty years, and partway through his master's degree, he decided that he wanted to share with the world what God has been blessed him wit. Quince has a passion for the ministry, with prison ministry being his specialty. He enjoys listening to those who consider themselves less fortunate and sharing with them the hope that life has to offer. He currently resides in Texas with his wife (best friend). Jennifer, and their two youngest children, Riley and Quimara. Their children include one professional culinary artist, several in college, and one musician. They have two grandchildren, Savannah and Rosalinda. He and Jennifer are the founders of Still Rowing Ministries, which was created to provide funds and assist youth ministries in need. He lives his life keeping in mind what is stated in Psalms 27:14. His motto is as follows: Be consistent. Champion those who are less fortunate. Be better than the best angel. Read More Read Less

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