Qingyuan Zeng

Qingyuan ZengProf. Qingyuan Zeng is a distinguished scientist on bridge engineering in Central South University. He obtained his BS and MS degrees from the Department of Civil Engineering, Nanchang University and Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua Univrsity, in 1950 and 1956, respectively. He was elected as the member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1999 for his great contributions to local-global interactive buckling behavior of long-span bridge structures, train-bridge interaction dynamics and the basic theory of train derailment. He presented the principle of total potential energy with a stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the 'set-in-right-position' rule for assembling system matrices, which is a significant improvement of classical theory of structural dynamics and finite element method. Prof. Zeng has an international reputation for his originality in the transverse vibration mechanism and time-varying analysis method of train-bridge system. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 journal papers, 3 monographs and 3 textbooks. He received numerous awards, including State Science and Technology Progress Award, Distinguished Achievement Award for Railway Science and Technology from Zhan Tianyou Development Foundation, and Honorary Member Award from the China Railway Society. He has supervised more than 16 MS students and 30 Ph.D. students in the past three decades. Read More Read Less

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