Qiming Sun

Qiming SunQiming Sun is primarily known for his contributions to the field of quantum chemistry, particularly through his work in developing the Python package PySCF. He has experience across multiple technical fields such as machine learning, quantum computin algorithms, and cloud computing. He received a Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry from Peking University, PR China in 2012, where he focused on relativistic theory and quantum chemistry method development, as well as high-performance computing programs written in Fortran and C++. Between 2012 and 2018, he continued his research career in Garnet Chan's group at Princeton University, USA and later moved to Caltech, USA. During this period, he gained knowledge of quantum entanglement and quantum embedding theory which are closely related to quantum computing algorithms. In 2018, he worked in Tencent quantum lab as a principal scientist, where he built up the experiences of machine learning, quantum computing algorithms, and cloud computing. In 2020 he joined hedge fund company Axiomquant LLC as a technology leader, where he is responsible for the cloud infrastructure, trading system, and financial data development.

Around 2014, he began promoting the use of Python in quantum chemistry research and led the development of the widely used Python quantum chemistry package PySCF, which is now utilised by thousands of universities and companies in quantum chemistry, quantum computing, and AI-chemistry research. He remains actively involved in researching and developing new algorithms in the field of quantum chemistry. Read More Read Less

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Python for Quantum Chemistry8 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 May 2025
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