Priscilla Turner

Priscilla TurnerSHE HAS BEEN PHOTOGRAPHING since the 1950s. In 1960, when she brought home her first colour slides in 35mm format, her father said that one would never get anything worthwhile off those ridiculous little frames, and that It's not really photography, f course, those pretty colours. He had started her off with an 8X10 view camera and plates. No colour emulsion at that stage would resolve anything like what a good 35mm lens would put on it. Little did Daddy know how emulsions would nowadays reach equilibrium with lenses, or that modern scanning would enable us to make big prints even from faded, grainy 35mm Agfachromes 50 or more years old. He would have been astonished, but probably also delighted, by the development of digital imaging. The resolution in her oldest originals is not high, but the conception was often good, even 'painterly'. She used film until 2007. WHAT SHE HAS PHOTOGRAPHED is nearly always what she would paint if she were a painter. She thinks of her scenic shots as a way to remind herself of what it felt like to stand in places where she will never stand again. They may perhaps enable others to feel that they can just walk through the frame into these same places. http: // Read More Read Less

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