Preksha ChughUnveil the magical world of "Music Friendly," where emotion intertwines with expertise. Meet Preksha Chugh, a skilled banker and devoted mother, whose love for music blossomed at age 9, guided by her wise mother. Alongside her passion for cricket, sh embraced the keyboard, making it an inseparable part of her life's symphony. Now, let "Music Friendly" be your guide, catering to music enthusiasts of all ages. From nursery rhymes like "Incy Wincy Spider" to Bollywood's soulful "Channa Mereya" and Hollywood's iconic "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran, this book offers an enchanting repertoire. Choose to play with one hand or both, as you embark on this melodious journey. Preksha's heartfelt narrative infuses the book with an emotional touch, inspiring you to unlock your musical potential. As a professional writer, she warmly welcomes you to explore the captivating art of the keyboard. Embrace the joy of music, guided by Preksha's genuine dedication, and create your symphony of harmonies that resonate with your soul. Read More Read Less
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