Pr Franklin

Pr FranklinA former naval officer, Commodore P R Franklin took to writing in retired life, after serving for 36years in the Indian Navy.His first published works were short stories that found its way into the book titled "On All Fronts - Stories fro the Armed Forces", released in 2006. Then, in 2010, the National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi, published his next book titled "Submarine Operation".Moving on to semi-fiction, but still with a nautical theme, his third book titled "Foxtrots of the Indian Navy" was published in 2015. This is his fourth book, his first pure fiction effort, but one in which he cannot avoid a nautical theme, as in his previous ones.While in the Indian Navy, Commodore P R Franklin specialized in Submarine and Anti-submarine warfare. He was awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal in 1995 and the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 2001 by the President of India.He and his wife, Joya, reside in Bangalore. His e-mail id is: jalvayufranklin1946@gmail.comA former naval officer, Commodore P R Franklin took towriting in retired life, after serving for 36years in the IndianNavy. His first published works were short stories that foundits way into the book titled "On All Fronts - Stories from theArmed Forces", released in 2006. Then, in 2010, the NationalMaritime Foundation, New Delhi, published his next booktitled "Submarine Operation". Moving on to semi-fiction, butstill with a nautical theme, his third book titled "Foxtrots of theIndian Navy" was published in 2015. This is his fourth book, his first pure fiction effort, but one in which he cannot avoid anautical theme, as in his previous ones.While in the Indian Navy, Commodore P R Franklin specializedin Submarine and Anti-submarine warfare. He was awarded theVishisht Seva Medal in 1995 and the Ati Vishisht Seva Medalin 2001 by the President of India.He and his wife, Joya, reside in Bangalore. His e-mail id is: Read More Read Less

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Handbook of Submarine Operations15 % NR
Publisher: Frontier India
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12 Oct 2016
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Foxtrots of the Indian Navy15 % NR
Publisher: Frontier India
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12 Oct 2016
International Edition
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Handbook of Submarine Operations31 %
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