Pixie RiddlePixie Riddle lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband, David, and their three naughty dogs. Pixie has two children, Claire and Max, and four beautiful grandchildren: Walter, Dexter, Melinda, and Soloman. Pixie writes children's books because she likesto make little people smile. Get in touch with Pixie at me@pixieriddle.com.Anita Cheung is a freelance artist based in Vancouver, BC. She creates her illustrations with the aim to be simple, playful, and thoughtful. As an avid bookworm growing up, Anita has a special place in her heart for children's books. She is passionate about representation in all aspects of storytelling and believes children should be taken seriously. For more of Anita's work, visit at doodlesbyneets.com. Read More Read Less
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