Pinakin Sabnis

Pinakin SabnisIn a world where words are my playground and imagination is my compass, I'm the literary wizard you never knew you needed. When I'm not stirring up stories, I'm stirring pots in the kitchen, hoping my culinary experiments turn out better than my plottwists. I dance through life to the rhythm of jazz and the twang of country music. My Spotify playlist is like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, taking unexpected turns from smoky jazz clubs to dusty country roads. And when the mood strikes, I'm belting out 90s Bollywood hits like I'm auditioning for a reality TV singing competition (but with fewer judges and more kitchen utensils). In my free time, I transform into a professional quality-time spender with family and friends. Whether we're dissecting the latest blockbuster movie or debating the merits of pineapple on pizza, I'm the life of the party - or at least the one with the best jokes. So, grab one of my books, a spatula, or your dancing shoes, and let's embark on this whimsical journey together. Because in my world, laughter is the best seasoning, and stories are the ultimate dance partners. Read More Read Less

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Aai's Malvani Diary11 % NR
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20 Jul 2022
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Unwired Uprising11 % NR
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02 Oct 2023
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