Pierre C Belanger

Pierre C BelangerPierre C. Bélanger, author of this unique teaching and reference volume, taught French at every level to professionals for 26 years, as well as to teachers of French and French Immersion students in Canada. Having gained a unique and extensive experince of the full range of difficulties faced by English-speaking students of French, Pierre decided to compile this ground-breaking and user-friendly guide to the most extensive collection of French verb tenses ever assembled in a single volume (including all their possible forms) - The French Verb Code Breaker. He designed the French Verb Tense Atlas arranging all French verb tenses in alphabetical order covering far more than what is found in traditional works. He designed a system of Univerb Tags(c) which reveal in mere seconds every possible English meaning of any French verb tense form! Then he included a WebBridge system throughout the text linking to examples, translations, and an extensive set of Appendices guiding the reader with helpful details, hints, and tips for every situation. Webxercises (subscription online exercises) will also be included on the Code Breaker's companion website - VerbExpress.net - for practice online, download for classroom learning or for home assignments - a wealth of resources that are perfect for a more complete and effective learning of French for students, teachers, and professionals of all levels. Read More Read Less

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French Verb Code BreakerNR
Publisher: Pierre Belanger
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15 Jul 2022
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