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Phyllis Asibor

Phyllis AsiborPhyllis Asibor is a born-again child of God. An American nursing professional with African roots. She holds two degrees, one in insurance and the second in nursing. She is a certified registered nurse case manager. She has a love for fiction. She is dreamer and prone to fantasies. She represented the country of Nigeria twice at the World Chess Olympiads. She has history in Nigerian modeling and acting. Phyllis enjoys the word of God. She loves taking photos, acting, talking, writing, watching movies, traveling, and playing Scrabble. She enjoys helping others. Phyllis desired to write a book that would deliver the message that a person planted in Christ changes their heritage. When they accept Christ, their roots are transformed. They sprout from the word of God. Their fruits become fruits of excellence. She started writing as a hobby. She was inspired to write "Lost Heritage: Royals in Slave Clothes" from a revelation that, as children of God, all people are of royal heritage. Your human heritage is insignificant compared to your spiritual heritage in Christ. "Lost Heritage: Royals in Slave Clothes" is Phyllis's first novel. Thank you for reading her book. Read More Read Less

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Lost Heritage12 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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05 Jul 2023
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