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Philip Lindecker

Philip LindeckerPhilip James Lindecker started creative writing in seventh grade and never stopped. Epic fantasies such as "The Lord of the Rings," "Eregon," "Game of Thrones," and "The Sword of Shannara," and inspired him to create his own fantasy world. Philip dabled in several genres of fan fiction, but namely Dragon Age Origins, the longest exceeded seven-hundred pages. Some of his fan fiction can be found on under the name "Falconhawk." Philip also wrote several original short stories that were never published. "The Fallen Prince" is his first published work.Philip lives in Van Buren, Arkansas along with his wife, Selina, their daughter, Noa, and two dogs, Luke and Toby. He enjoys playing video games, as long as they have a good story, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities, and travelling; he has been to five continents, and intends to make it to Australia and Antarctica. Philip is learning German, and hopes to become fluent. Read More Read Less

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Fallen Prince7 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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21 Mar 2023
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