Phil Sisson

Phil SissonPhil Sisson is a world history aficionado. He experiences history not through the eyes of man's story but His Story - aiming to see human history through the eyes of the divine. By doing so, he believes we can avoid the limited tribal narratives and he pitfalls of national exceptionalism. He seeks rather, to see the whole picture of humanity's spiritual evolution. By doing so, the lens of history widens to include as much of the histories of the human family to allow for a more authentic examination of past events, and equally as important, to evaluate the responses given by Crown Heads of State in the 19th century and today's world leaders to what can only be viewed as a single divine imperative - the Oneness of Mankind! Once done, he gently casts the sordid and painful history that has caused so much division among the people of the world into the dust heap of our common past. This demands forgiveness, an unfettered search for truth, a compassionate heart, and a willingness to consider if a Divine Source indeed intervenes in human history. With this insight, God willing, humanity can emerge from the devouring flames of hatred and bitterness purified and focused on what is truly worthy of its station.Phil Sisson was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and grew up in San Diego, California. His early education alternated between both Catholic parochial school and San Diego public schools. Above all, he is husband, father, grandpa, father-in-law, brother and uncle, with a wide spectrum of friends that include diverse classes and races. His professional life as an entrepreneur, educator, published author, award-winning poet, stage and film actor, singer and chanter of the spirit as well as playwright, graphic designer, painter, researcher, world traveler keeps him very engaged in life. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Media Communications and Journalism at UC San Diego, a Masters in Fine Arts and Theater at UC Los Angeles, and a Master's in Education at Chapman University. He continued his postgraduate studies in graphic design and physics at the University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, and continues his life of service as a Junior Youth animator and facilitator in his local community. Apart from being an avid reader, He enjoys interior and landscape design, and loves gardening, and weekend beach and camping trips with his wife, his dog, Pasha, and friends. He currently calls home Southern California where he and his wife of 37 years own Lingua Natal Preschool (a baccalaureate multilingual foreign language school for toddlers ages 2-6). Read More Read Less

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Too Far From The TreeNR
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Too Far From The TreeNR
Publisher: Naz Publishing
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