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Phil Muirhead

Phil MuirheadPhil Muirhead was born in Atherton, Far North Queensland in June 1950. He attended Atherton State School where telling stories became essential to the non-conformity that caused his regular visits to the headmaster. After leaving school, he started acarpentry apprenticeship. He then went on to work for himself in the building industry until retirement.While watching television at the end of the Vietnam War, Phil remembers seeing perfectly good helicopters thrown from ships into the ocean. This was when he first thought, I wonder what another highly intelligent civilisation would think if they were watching us? If other beings were taking a peek, we must surely be a source of superb entertainment. Then came the still inner voice that whispered, 'You could write a book about it.'Phil knew a cattle station owner who was adamant he had witnessed a UFO event at his property's homestead. To this day, after listening to his account, Phil firmly believes him. Looking back over his life if he had to sum up his past, Phil would describe it as a life of 'colourful turbulence'. Turbulence out of which the compelling Univian novel series arose. Read More Read Less

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