Phil BurgessPhil Burgess is an award-winning educator, businessman, and writer who has lectured world-wide - in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, including Japan, China, India, Korea, and Vietnam. He has appeared on PBS, NPR, CNN, and CNBC, and his views have beenreported in regional, national and international media - including Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Times (London), The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Denver Post, and Vital Speeches. More than 350 weekly commentaries on America's political culture appeared in the Denver-based Rocky Mountain News from 1990-2001 and were nationally distributed to more than 140 newspapers by Scripps Howard News Service.
Phil had three careers before becoming a booter - first as a professor at The Ohio State University, University of Colorado, and Colorado School of Mines; second, as chief executive of non-profits and think tanks focused on public policy and economic development; and third, as a senior executive at large-cap, multi-national media-communications companies: US West (now Qwest) and Telstra (Australia) where he was also a visiting professor at the business school of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). He is currently a senior fellow at the University of Southern California's Center for the Digital Future. Phil and Mary Sue, his wife of 30 years, live in Annapolis, Maryland.... Read More Read Less