Phil Benson Phil Benson followed in his dad's footsteps, becoming an entrepreneur right away by starting several businesses. Having built a successful insurance agency, Phil quickly saw the power of residual income. When introduced to network marketing, he graspd the component of leverage, which makes the residual income even more powerful. Understanding that the world was his marketplace, Phil built an international business in fifteen countries, with thousands of distributors in his organization over the next twenty-five years. Realizing his natural ability to work with individuals on a personal basis, Phil got his certification in Life Empowerment Coaching and Core Energy Coaching from iPEC, one of the leading companies in the life-coaching industry. Phil has begun helping people reach their full potential by utilizing the vehicle of Energy Leadership coaching. With his book The Truth in Network Marketing, Phil has combined his expertise in both fields, network marketing and Energy Leadership coaching, to create a powerful guide that can be used to help all on their journey to success. Read More Read Less
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