Phawnda Moore

Phawnda MoorePhawnda Moore has been creating with words and images since the mid-1980s. Her first lettering book was selected as a winner in the 2019 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.She was a contributing writer on Empty Easel for 3 years and hs written, edited, and designed more than 100 published books, blogs, and articles including for Bound & Lettered, Letter Arts Review, Paper & Ink Arts, Mendocino Arts and TombowUSA. She's a member of the online calligraphy group Scribbled Lives and several U.S. calligraphy guilds.Phawnda received national awards for her creative work at county and state offices of education, including a Clarion Award from The Association for Women in Communications and two from the National School Public Relations Association. Her original alphabet, Letters by Phawnda, was licensed by Chameleon Art Products in the U.K.Formally trained as a graphic designer, Phawnda's organic lettering art has been printed on apparel, home decor, wedding invitation suites and canvas banners for fundraisers. She has taught calligraphy in-person for 25 years, where students from 9 to 90 inspire each other as they mix and mingle letters, colors and shapes.Phawnda lives in beautiful Northern California with her husband, Ron. Read More Read Less

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