Peter J McManners

Peter J McMannersDr Peter McManners is a passionate advocate for a more sustainable world. He graduated in Engineering Science from Durham University and later took an MSc in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at Edinburgh University. His first career was in the Brtish Army, where his last post was as a Lt Col and Head of Operations Division for the UK Defence Geographic and Imagery Agency. After completing an MBA, he had roles as Chief Operating Officer involved with incubating high technology companies and Chief Executive in the not-for-profit sector. He argued for developing and investing in green technology before such ideas were mainstream. He now leads the Sustainability and Scenario Analysis modules at Henley Business School, University of Reading. His doctorate focussed on sustainability economics. His current research is looking at radical measures to reduce the environmental impact of society and the industrial economy. His previous books include: - Adapt and Thrive: The Sustainable Revolution - Green Outcomes in the Real World - Corporate Strategy in the Age of Responsibility - Victim of Success: Civilisation at Risk McManners has written FUCC for the widest possible audience - everyone on this shared planet - and presents a powerful case to act boldly and swiftly. Read More Read Less

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Reframing Economic Policy Towards Sustainability41 %
Publisher: Gower
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04 Nov 2016
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