Peter Han Joo ChongProfessor Peter Han Joo Chong is the Associate Head of School (Research) at the School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Between 2016 and 2021, he was the Head of Department of Electrial and Electronic Engineering at AUT. He received the B.Eng. (with distinction) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1993, and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. He has visited Tohoku University, Japan, as a Visiting Scientist in 2010 and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, between 2011 and 2012. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK. He is an Honorary Professor at Amity University, India. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), UK. Prof. Chong is listed in the World's Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University in 2022. Before joining AUT in 2016, Professor Chong was an Associate Professor (tenured) from July 2009 to April 2016 and Assistant Professor from May 2002 to June 2009 at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Between 2011 and 2013, he was the Assistant Head of Division of Communication Engineering. Between 2013 and 2016, he was the Director of Infinitus, Centre for Infocomm Technology. He was the recipient of 'EEE Teaching Excellence Award' and 'Nanyang Award Excellence in Teaching' in 2010, and 'Nanyang Education Award (College)' in 2015. In 2015, he became a Fellow of the Teaching Excellence Academy in NTU. From February 2001 to May 2002, he was with the Radio Communications Laboratory at Nokia Research Center, Finland. Between July 2000 and January 2001, he worked in the Advanced Networks Division at Agilent Technologies Canada Inc., Canada. He co-founded P2 Wireless Technology in Hong Kong in 2009 and Zyetric Technologies in Hong Kong, New Zealand and US in 2017. His current research projects focus on machine learning techniques applied to software defined vehicular networks. He has been developing techniques of deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based resource management for future 5G-V2X networks. His research interests are in the areas of wireless/mobile communications systems including radio resource management, multiple access, MANETs/VANETs, green radio networks and 5G-V2X networks. He has published over 300 journal and conference papers, 1 edited book and 13 book chapters in the relevant areas. Read More Read Less