Peter Eeles

Peter EelesPeter Eeles is an IBM Executive IT Architect and Industry Lead for the Financial Services Sector in IBM Rational's Worldwide Tiger Team, where he helps organizations improve their software development and delivery capability. This work is often perfomed in conjunction with the adoption of the Rational Unified Process and associated IBM development tools. Peter has been in the software industry since 1985 and has spent much of his career architecting, project managing and implementing large-scale, distributed systems. He has a particular interest in architecture-centric initiatives, such as SOA, large-scale architecting, strategic reuse programs and the like. Prior to joining Rational Software, which was acquired by IBM in 2003, Peter was a founding member of Integrated Objects, where he was responsible for the development of a distributed object infrastructure. This technology was used by System Software Associates (an ERP solutions provider) and by Mobile Systems International (a telecoms solutions provider) where Peter also held positions. Peter is co-author of "The Process of Software Architecting" (2009), "Building J2EE Applications with the Rational Unified Process" (2002), and "Building Business Objects" (1998). Read More Read Less

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Relating System Quality and Software Architecture23 % NR
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