Percival Duke

Percival DukePercival Duke, a singer, composer, librettist and author, was born in Dallas, Texas. He was labeled a prodigy at the age of six.Coming from a family with a physically and emotionally abusive background, he found himself building his own worlds in whih he could escape.After graduating high school at fifteen, Percival went to New York City where he honed in on his vocal and dance talents until he landed a role in his first Broadway show less than one year after his arrival.Many hard life-lessons and a few perfomances later, he was off to Europe with a Broadway musiccal touring company. Thirty years, five studio albums, more than twenty Single, and several top TV shows later - including The Voice (Germany), Percival resides in Cologne and enjoys celebrity success the country as well as in Austria and Switzerland.BLACK PICKET FENCE is his first novel. There others on their way. Read More Read Less

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BLACK PICKET FENCE. (Prodigy. Rebel. Black. Unapologetic. An Autobiography.)8 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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04 Jul 2024
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Von der Schattenseite des amerikanischen Traums.25 % NR
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22 Dec 2023
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Science and Fruit Growing; Being an Account of the Results Obtained at the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm Since Its Foundation in 1894
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Science and Fruit Growing; Being an Account of the Results Obtained at the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm Since Its Foundation in 1894
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