Pennie Boyer

Pennie BoyerLet me tell you a quick story about Pennie. - Grew up in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Montreal - Follower of Jesus since she was a little girl - Diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome at age sixteen. - Personal experience with abusive relationships- Faculty at School of Nursing at Saskatchewan Polytech - Active in many church and para church ministries Then some things happened that changed her life forever. Chronic health issues forced her to leave her career in teaching and her third marriage ended. The problem was she could no longer do what she had done for over thirty years. Living alone for the first time, activities of daily living became the focus of her life instead of God. Things were about to go from bad to worse when Pennie discovered the meaning of isolation and loneliness. She started experiencing migraines daily and was also diagnosed with congestive heart failure. That's when the situation truly hit rock bottom, she lost any sense of clear direction or purpose for her life. Then, something happened that changed everything... Pennie discovered that while her life had been turned upside down, God was still in control. She figured out that God's plan for her life had not changed. It turns out, she doesn't have to settle for second best! What turned Pennie's life around is that she started to spend more time talking to God and reading His Word because she was desperate for answers. It was then that Pennie decided not to give up on her relationship with God even though she did not understand what was happening . Because of this she started to - Take concrete actions to improve her heath - Spend more time with others who love Jesus - Get certification in life coaching - Begin a new ministry Freedom and healing are possible through faith in Jesus! Read More Read Less

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