Pellegrin V.

Pellegrin V.

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Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. Transl15 % NR
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Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. Transl12 % NR
International Edition
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The Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. Transl
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Th�orie Pratique de la Perspective: �tude a l'Usage Des Artistes Peintres, Des �l�ves Des �coles Des Beaux Arts, Des �coles, Industrielles, Etc (Classic Reprint)NR
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Th�orie Pratique de la Perspective: �tude a l'Usage Des Artistes Peintres, Des �l�ves Des �coles Des Beaux Arts, Des �coles, Industrielles, Etc (Classic Reprint)NR
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The Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. TranslNR
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The Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. Transl25 % NR
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The Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, Applied to Landscape, Interiors, and the Figure, for the Use of Artists, Art-Students, Etc. Transl1 % NR
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