Peggy W Lester

Peggy W LesterPeggy W. Lester is an ordained member of the clergy under the authority of Faith Christian Fellowship International, located in Indiana. She is a short-term Christian missionary, teacher, and writer. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Christian counselin and is a 2009 graduate of She Speaks, a Proverbs 31 Ministry based in North Carolina. Peggy's heart was captured by missions for the Lord in 1980. Since then, she has traveled locally and abroad, speaking about the Lord and being His disciple. She uses humor, boldness, personal testimony, and the Word of God to share the message of Christ. Peggy and her husband of 54 years have mentored young and seasoned adults for many years. Peggy and Don have two sons, two daughter-in-loves, four grandsons, one granddaughter, and one great-grandson. They currently reside west of Atlanta, Georgia, and attend West Ridge Church in Dallas, Georgia. Read More Read Less

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