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Pd Hogan

Pd HoganTable of Contents "IT'S A LOVELY MOURNING & YOU'RE A HORRIBLE GHOST," "LOWBROW TAROT SHOW," and "PINTEREST CALLS IT A MORBID NUDE WHEN I STREAK THRU THE CEMETERY"- Amy Jannotti "A Mouthful," "These Scars," "Freefall Girl," "Doll," & "Whispering and Wse Words"- The Maenad "Rishyashringa and His Father"- Sanjana Raghaven "Odontomancy"- L. B. Limbrey "Iron"- kris "Beautiful Music"- Arden Hunter "I Want to See a Rat Before I Die" & "I Saw a Rat and Now I'm Dead"- Corinne Wilschke "Farmyard Family"- Desmond Mansfield "Milkmen"- arya xo "Problem Child"- Mariah Eppes "under the bonnet," & "butterfly child"- Jane Ayres "Greene See"- MK Foster "I am a woman" Fizza Abbas "monsters in the deep"- Phyllis St. George "Graveyards"- Amy-Jean Muller "Metamorphosis"- Laura Jane Round "Inheritance"-Ellen Clayton "Seeking Absolution" & "Floating Anxiety"- Edward Michael Supranowicz "Count Your Blessings"- John Chinaka Onyeche "Starfish"- David Kuhnlein "What Became of the Body"- Oakley Moran "A Hungry Halloween"- kenli doss "Milking the Bones"- Kate Axford "Sit Still and Drink Your Milk"- Frederica Danzinger "Flesh House"- zoe grace marquedant "Never Go to Bed Alone,"- Treena Thibodeau "night terrors"- Betsie Flynn "A Promised Walk of Peace"- Geoffrey Bunting "Bottle Brittle" & "burning rubber"- Barney Ashton-Bullock "The Other Horror of my Childhood"- Erica Sharlette "This grief" & "the autopsy"- Samari Zysk "Revolt Molt"- Haley Winans "Doctor, Doctor"- Rachel Tanner "Don't tell me"- Lynn Finger "Karma"- Syn McDonald "grieving in tongues: fragments," "image 3," "you, drawing"- Koss "a letter to my mother"- K.S. "The Creature/Obfuscation"- Aiden Brown "heliotropism," "methods for safely practicing," & "ribs may split but"- Justin Clark "Robber Barren," "Atlanta Diptych," "New (People's) Florida Flag," "Chinga la Migra," "Unfired," & "Nausea Nest"- Lilliana Reinoso "AKA the Motion of Material Bodies"- Adrianna Jereb "Milk-It-Boner"- JP Seabright "Your Shuddering Breath a Hymn," "Blood Root," "Her Secret Name Inscribed," "Protective Colouration," "Sanctify"- Allison Armstrong "A Mundane Ritual"- Robin Moon "Marrow," "I Tell My Best Friend," & "it echoes"- AJ Pfeffer "Tomorrow, Tonight"- Troy Ford "Wendy House" & "rotten apple"- Lucy Hannah Ryan "I blow kisses to empty shells"- L. Stearns "A Budding Existential Crisis"- Lauren Theresa "In This Void, Something Newborn," "Sometimes Even the Afterbirth," "Salting the Ground You Ward," & "A HUNGER BATSHIT MEWLING"- Marylyn Tan Read More Read Less

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