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Payman Moradkhani

Payman MoradkhaniAbout MeMy name is Payman Moradkhani, and I am a children's mentor living in Stockholm, Sweden. I originally come from Iran, where, unfortunately, I had a severe addiction to drugs. After finishing high school, addiction led my life into the depths o human darkness for many years, exposing me to countless bitter experiences. Not only did I inflict serious harm upon my body, but my mind also suffered grave injuries. From childhood, I was introspective and quiet, constantly lost in my thoughts, pondering onquestions like: How can we make the world a better place? How can we put an end towars? How can we eradicate poverty? And many more.In 2007, with the help of my older brother and a friend, after eight months ofimprisonment in Iran, I managed to quit drugs at an addiction treatment center. Later, under strict supervision, I made sure not to relapse into addiction. In 2008, I successfully quit smoking. In 2009, I immigrated to Sweden, and after eight stressfulyears, I obtained permanent residency.With the support of the compassionate people and generous Swedish government, and through my relentless efforts, I managed to have a better life. I am still working onself-improvement and striving to be a better human being. In 2010, I stopped eating meat, only occasionally consuming it when necessary. Since then, I have consistently engaged in mental and physical exercises and eliminated many unhealthy foods from my diet. Three months ago, I managed to overcome my most significant addiction, which I had since childhood: excessive sugar consumption.But why am I writing all this? For several reasons:

  1. The impact of words in one's life is significant. I believe that by writing this book, I can be a beacon of hope for the hopeless, addicts, or alcoholics, letting them know that they too can overcome.
  2. Due to my constant introspection, I have many ideas but lack the financialmeans to implement them. I hope that by selling this book and with your support in recommending it to others, I can fund my projects aimed at making the world a betterplace. .....
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Thousand Golden Sentences From The Depths Of Darkness1 % NR
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