Paula Kovarik

Paula KovarikAfter thirty years as a graphic designer Paula Kovarik has time now to pursue her art. Expressing herself through the medium of fabric and thread Kovarik explores what cannot be seen. Her intuitive line work travels the surface of her work as if a meitation has become solid. Inspired by everything from cracks in sidewalks to electronic circuitry and microscopic life she layers meaning and emotion into each piece. The tactile nature of the cloth and thread makes the work approachable and mysterious at the same time. It's about the layered, ripped, cut, and sandwiched together pieces-producing a composition held together by the narrative of the thread. Inward thoughts become outwardly apparent through slow and studied attention to detail. Kovarik's award-winning fiber art has been recognized by several national venues including Quilt National, Quilts=Art=Quilts, ArtQuilt Elements, World of Threads, FiberArt Now Excellence in Fibers and Visions. She has been profiled in American Craft, FiberArt Now and Art Quilting Studio magazines. Her work is featured in Art Quilts Unfolding - 50 Years of Innovation by Sandra Sider, Nancy Bavor, Lisa Ellis and Martha Sielman and Art Quilts International Abstract & Geometric by Martha Sielman. Paula lives and works in Memphis, TN. She is a full-time artist and fiber art workshop teacher. Her work and online journal can be found at Read More Read Less

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At Play in the Garden of Stitch24 % NR
Publisher: Paula Kovarik
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04 Jul 2021
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