Paula Bromberg

Paula BrombergDr. Paula Bromberg: Psychologist, Teacher, writer, lover of life, ocean-walker, inspired by her personal journey has experienced many paths, teachers, spiritual communities and methods. Notes from the Ocean draws on direct experience-both professiona encounters and years of walking, singing in beautiful oceans and beaches throughout the world. Her books are written through an understanding that comes from decades of study, teaching, intimate conversation and digesting life experiences. Traveling and receiving initiation into Eastern and Western lineages: Sufi, Buddhist, Jewish, Gurdjieffian, East Indian; learning within living traditions, transcending formal boundaries to teach from those places and kindle a fire in the heart of others.The author has a Doctorate in Philosophy in Clinical Psychology maintains a current telephone practice, recorded a live television series Conversations with Dr Paula. Her books, The Way of the Lover, A Way of Understanding, The Fifth Way-Life at its Best and Notes from the Ocean, A Celebration of Love are the foundation of her work.Paula was on the faculty of Northern New Mexico College co-creating and teaching the first University program with Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to educate and train hospice workers. She was interviewed and recorded by Dr. Zoe Lewis as a guest on her radio show Health Through Knowledge. As a consultant and frequent speaker for a regenerative medicine television series My Medicine TV, Dr. Bromberg also pioneered her own TV show Conversations with Dr. Paula.She developed and created a psychological/spiritual system throughout her more than fifty years of working in conversation with people. To discover and study our essential nature; to experience the meaning and purpose of our life awakens us through concrete teachings that transform us to live our life mindfully, with presence. It is our birthright to be initiated into the truths that evoke the powers of our natural gifts enabling us to find hidden meaning and higher guidance inherent in our life.From an early age Dr. Paula demonstrated an irrepressible striving to understand and to awaken. A voice of clarity and presence of heart Paula has written remarkable books of timeless wisdom that will change your life. Her work and writings have been praised by many of the foremost spiritual leaders from numerous traditions.Dr. Paula says: Personal identity appeared impossible-before I understood to be in the world and not of it. Form became a pliable construct, with the edges often bending and dropping away. Years passing by mirrors, no reflection, driven to move this body until collapsed into exhaustion; passionate; initiated into invisibility, invisible threads, silver chord to the moon. Little sleep or rest. Years of practice to create a witness, someone home while dancing through this perilous wonder is the rope that tethered/ tethers me from this heart to the heart of the universe. A devotee to Love, walking with the beloveds who dare risk and shatter form. This private experience, passionate, at times troublesome-living on the edge sometimes out of the margin, at times negligent to holding humanity in a container of love, I was protected throughout gathering experiences being in adventures and always the call to awaken as the greatest possibility-through a body that was driven to wake up.Notes from the Ocean is destined to become another classic work, like The Way of the Lover-both bring clear insightful new understanding into the life of its reader. Beautifully written, you now hold in your hands a map to find treasure and the keys: practical wisdom for self-investigation. Read More Read Less

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Way of the Lover10 % NR
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Notes from the Ocean11 % NR
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15 Sep 2023
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