Paul Zionts

Paul ZiontsPaul Zionts is a professor of special education and Chairperson of the Department of Educational Foundations and Special Services at Kent State University. He has been a teacher in a reform school and an inner-city high school, a program director, cosultant, and teacher trainer. He has lectured and provided training in local, state, and national events and has conducted hundreds of workshops that have included teachers, counselors, psycho- logists, social workers, administrators, parents, secretaries, and bus drivers. He has authored Teaching Disturbed and Disturbing Students (2nd edition) and Inclusion Strategies for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, and he has coauthored with Richard Simpson both Autism (2nd edition) and Understanding Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Read More Read Less

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Emotional and Behavioral Problems36 % NR
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10 May 2016
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