Paul Rp Hoole

Paul Rp HoolePaul R.P. Hoole completed his first electrical and electroninc engineering degree to postgraduate degrees in the United Kingdom. He holds an M.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering with a Mark of Distinction from the University of London and an MSc degee in Plasma Science from University of Oxford. His engineering doctorate, the D.Phil. degree, is from the University of Oxford. In his engineering career he has spent time in Singapore, Papua New Guinea, USA, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. His recent publications and research interests have been in the areas of advanced wireless systems, electromagnetic signal processing, lightning-aircraft electrodynamics and wireless systems based supervisory control and data acquisition network for renewable energy electric power generation and drone imaging in remote villages and systems. Prof. Hoole has authored several papers and books in engineering. His books Electromagnetic Imaging in Science and Medicine and Electromagnetics Engineering Handbook (with K. Pirapaharan and S.R.H. Hoole), were published by WIT Press, UK. Read More Read Less

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Smart Antennas and Electromagnetic Signal Processing in Advanced Wireless Technology3 % NR
Publisher: River Publishers
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21 Oct 2024
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