Paul L Pearson

Paul L PearsonPaul L. Pearson grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas, when hamburgers were six for a quarter, and modern America was just beginning to make its debut. He was a member of the 740th Tank Battalion from its inception in Fort Knox, Kentucky, in 1943, until liking up with the Russians on the Baltic Sea at the end of the war in Europe, and then the ultimate occupation of Germany in 1945. He was a Buck Sergeant Tank Commander in Company C, 2nd Platoon, and was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. Other citations include the Presidential Unit Citation, the Belgian Croix de Guerre, the World War II Victory Medal, and various campaign medals with bronze service stars. After the war, he became a YMCA youth worker and camp executive, then a teacher, principal, and director in the Fort Worth Public Schools. Although born and bred a Texan, he never was a cowboy. He lived and wrote in Benbrook, Texas, until the age of 85, with the girl who waited for him to come home from the war, those many years ago, still at his side. Read More Read Less

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