Paul F Pavao

Paul F PavaoPaul Pavao has two main interests: obedience-based Christianity and early Christianity. The emphasis on obedience in the New Testament is far too overlooked, and modern confidence in the traditions of men means modern Bible interpretation is suspect t best. This is proven by the myriad divisions in modern Christianity.Paul has been searching and studying the Christianity closest in time to the apostles for 35 years. If is from those writings that he came to realize just how obedience-based the faith once for all delivered to the saints is supposed to be. As Psalm 111 says, A good understanding have all they who do his commands.Paul loves making scholarly subjects exciting and readable for the masses. He studies and references like a scholar, always ensuring his works are evidence-based, but writes like he's your best friend. _Decoding Nicea_ is his 460-page true account of the much-maligned Council of Nicea and has been consistently reviewed as always interesting.Paul's favorite claim to fame is the support of effective missionaries and missionary leaders.Men of God that are effectively expanding the Kingdom of God, planting churches, and making disciples, nonetheless take time to read almost everything I write. A couple have encouraged me to start a Bible school. No book review could match that commendation.J.T. Tancock, The Welsh Apologist, church planter and defender of the faith, wrote of _Decoding Nicea_, Man alive, what a book! ... His writing style isn't pretentious, stuffy or academic but he IS competent in his field and a great communicator.The reviews, of both _Decoding Nicea_ and, his church history site, emphasize two things:1. Paul's books give people access to information they never had before.2. They had no idea history could be so interesting.His second book, _The Apostles' Gospel_, is short and simple. It compares the preaching done by the apostles in Acts with the preaching we do today. There is a lot to learn from this little gem. He has also written a booklet on grace, also available on Amazon.His second full-length book, _Rome's Audacious Claim_, which rebuts the pope's claim to full, supreme, and universal power over all churches, will be out December 1, 2019. Paul's book tells the story of the rise of the pope's claim to primacy in detail, which refutes the claim by itself. He does not stop there, but also exposes the misquotes, misrepresentations, and omissions of the top Roman Catholic apologists.Paul is most excited, though, about the 2020 release of _Rebuilding the Foundations_, which he regards as the central purpose of his life and ministry. His 37 years as a disciple, teacher, writer, and pastor are brought together in the book and the website.Paul is writing, making disciples, and praying and fighting for holiness and unity among the churches as he rebuilds his strength after battling and overcoming leukemia and lymphoma. He and his wife, Lorie, live in Selmer, TN. Read More Read Less

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