Paul F Morris

Paul F MorrisPaul Morris was born in the UK and has a non-Jewish, nominal Christian background, coming to faith in 1970. He worked as a civil engineer before entering the ministry. He is married to Judy and they have a son and a daughter and six grandchildren. Hestudied theology with the Evangelical Movement of Wales and was ordained by Park Hill Free Church, Brighton, in 1979. He began work as a missionary to the Jewish people with Christian Witness to Israel (CWI) [now International Mission to Jewish People] in 1979, engaging in many forms of outreach, and while based in London led the Shalom Ministries team and initiated the CWI Summer School. In the 1990s he travelled widely, witnessing and seeking to open new fields of witness in Russia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Morocco, and Turkey. Paul and Judy moved to Sydney, Australia, from 2001 to 2011 where Paul led the ministry of CWI and established the annual Edersheim Lectures. Paul is the author of two books: Telling Jews about Jesus and Jewish Themes in the New Testament. He is now the Chairman of the Council of Management of International Mission to Jewish People and engages in a writing and teaching ministry.

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