Patrícia Severino

Patrícia SeverinoDr. Severino is currently working as a professor in the College of Pharmacy
and Postgraduate Program in Industrial Biotechnology, Tiradentes University
(UNIT), Aracaju, Brazil and is also a research coordinator of Nanomedicine
and Nanotechnoogy Laboratory Institute of Technology and Research (ITP),
Aracaju, Brazil. She graduated in pharmacy from the Methodist University of
Piracicaba--Unimep (2005). She earned master's and PhD from the Faculty
of Chemical Engineering at the State University of Campinas--Unicamp
(2008 and 2012). In the master's she carried out a sandwich program at the
Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul--UFRGS
(2007-08), and in her PhD carried out a sandwich program at the Faculty of
Pharmacy of the Fernando Pessoa University--UFP, Porto, Portugal (2010-11).
She has extensive research experience in multidisciplinary fields of nanomedicine,
biomaterial, drug delivery, cosmetics, and biotechnology. She has
about 110 research articles in various international scientific journals,
24 book chapters, and 16 patents. She is a member of editorial boards of variousjournals. She has worked in technical-scientific collaboration with researchers
from different institutions in the country and abroad, such as the United States,
England, the Czech Republic, EUA, Italy, Turkey, India, and Portugal. She is a
CNPq research productivity scholar (PQ-2). Currently, she is working in the internationalization
process of UNIT at the Tiradentes Institute (TI-UMass) and is
a visiting professor at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
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