Patrick MeirePatrick Meire studied Biology at the University of Gent where he also obtained his PhD. Before being appointed as a senior researcher at the Institute of Nature Conservation, a scientific institute of the Flemish Government, he worked during 6 monthsat the University of Oxford and one year at the Dutch Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research in Yerseke. In 1999 he was appointed full professor at the Department of Biology and head of the Ecosystem Management Research group. He was awarded the Price Rudy Verheyen in 2010, the life time achievement award of the Belgian section of the International Water Association (2017) and a sluice was named after him ("The Meire Sluis") in the "Polder of Kruibeke" (2017) to honor his groundbreaking work on restoration of the Scheldt estuary ecosystem. His research is focused on the ecology of aquatic systems and how to manage these. Read More Read Less
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