Patrick A de Werk

Patrick A de WerkPatrick A. de Werk was born in Berkeley CA, to Dutch immigrants, a year after they came to the United States. Growing up he spoke both Dutch and English and was very fluent in both. Patrick has traveled back to The Netherlands, with and without his prents, often. On one trip with his father, they shared an experience at the Anna Franke house, which was the inspiration for the well-received Visiting Anne. Being from musical parents he picked up Bluegrass Banjo at the age of 5, and played drums in several school and civic marching bands. Often playing with his father at the piano and brother at the drums. His father, had written several musical pieces, which were played on the radio by well-known bands of the time. Patrick took after his father and began writing himself. He wrote some music, but his early attempt at lyrics morphed into writing poetry. Patrick grew up very shy, but expressive, having ADHD all his life, he found writing lyrics, drawing, and writing poetry, was a good way to express himself. Later turning to writing as a means to cope with experiences in his life. Which in turn helped his father open up when he wrote about parts of his father's life, that he wouldn't openly speak about. With his passion for finding beauty and joy in all things, he writes about people, places, thoughts, and emotions. And while some of these may be sad, they are often good memories or experiences shared with others. Patrick was ultimately challenged by his best friend C.J. to read in public. His writings were well received by the poetry community, opening him to further writing, and sharing at weekly poetry readings. He enjoys sharing his poetry with the people he writes about and for. With continued positive feedback he looks forward to the relationship with his words and the people that are moved by them. Read More Read Less

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Through My Father's Eyes - Second Edition - Hardback3 % NR
Publisher: Patrick A. de Werk
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28 Oct 2023
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Through My Father's Eyes - Second Edition - PaperbackNR
Publisher: Patrick A. de Werk
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28 Oct 2023
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