Patricia Butler

Patricia ButlerLife is filled with roads that I have traveled but I consider myself impaired or crippled by many factors. As a child, I knew Jesus early and the human side of me spoke often. I thought that I knew what was best for me, but God had different roads fo me to travel and different avenues for me to take.It took several years to realize that God knew so much more than I did and that the human side of me knew nothing. Let me begin with teaching. It is and was my passion, but i did not know it for a while. As an example, I was president of the future teacher's club in my high school and I didn't realize i was going to be a teacher.I had a bachelor's degree from Southwestern at Memphis, now called, Rhodes, and a Masters' Degree from Memphis State University. I taught music for eight years while living in Memphis. It was a great experience, and I traveled many avenues during that time. I met my husband during that adventure. after a few years John Deere hired him and we moved to Malden, Missouri for training time and then to Alexandria, Louisiana, for seventeen years. During that time, I taught kindergarten, taught music at a private school, taught class piano, taught private piano, taught handicapped children, was teacher of the year for my district and had three boys. Wow!!! God had plans for me I hadn't even thought about. He taught me many things during that time, and I traveled many, and I mean many roads, I had not intended to travel. I have traveled for the school boards where I have been and gained many thoughts, I would not have experienced, but I knew that the One in charge of the universes was always there. Then, my husband decided to quit John Deere. So, we were relocated to Cookeville, Tennessee. What did God have in store for me now? Once again, He provided. I taught at the alternative school. Mr. Marcus Durley was the principal, and he ran the school by his rules. He was wise beyond his years and taught me many things about discipline. The school was high school students who needed someone to care, or they were lazy, or they did not care. Although it was a great learning adventure, I felt that I was a value to the students. Then I realized that I needed to be there for my family in other ways, so i took a school teaching position to help that situation. I taught resource students. As it turned out, I handled many behavior problems that made a difference in those students. The students themselves were my advocates and helped me many times to touch the lives of those rebelling. I did not plan to travel the special education route, but I did. God often uses coincidences to create a plan. He did that for me. If He does that for me, He will do that for anyone because I was a crippled person, who had a plan for my life. That is too funny when i think about it now!!! God has always lifted me up beyond my ability and touched others through my work. I pray that these poems touch your heart in such a way that God is glorified and that you know Him as your personal Savior. Only He can make your life more. Read More Read Less

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