Parfait Essoumba

Parfait EssoumbaIt was in February 2000 in Paris, France. I was just taking my mother
to her church. Actually, she was the first a born-again Christian in our
family. There was a guest speaker Evangelist Charles Mbongo, as I
was standing in the middleof the crowd. To my biggest surprise, as
soon as he starts preaching, he asked two ushers to take me in front of
the pulpit, where he was. In front of more than 3000 people gathered
that day. Evangelist Charles Mbongo immediately starts prophesying
on me: thus, sayeth the Lord, "you are my servant, I have chosen from
the womb of your mother. I have been calling you, but you were not
hearing. Today is the day for you to decide to serve me or not. Do you
want to serve me?". Timidly, not really understanding what is going
on, I said yes. Then, the Lord said: "I will use you mighty powerfully,
I give you the knowledge of my word, see today, I give you
knowledge, I give you wisdom, understanding, discernment of spirits,
my Spirit is with you. I will go before you; I will use you to do impossible things, that people will
say that you went to do magic, but this crowd will be your witness. See I am giving you power
today, the power to change lives. You're my servant I am with you". Evangelist Charles Mbongo,
after prophesying on me, he made a powerful prayer of deliverance, destroying all the works of
satan in my life.
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