Paolo Barsocchi

Paolo BarsocchiPaolo Barsocchi is a researcher at the Information Science and Technologies Institute (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR) at Pisa, Italy. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in information engineering from the University of Pisa in 2003and 2007, respectively. Since 2017 he is Head of the Wireless Networks Research Laboratory. He is currently involved in several European projects, national and regional projects. The overall amount of attracted and managed funds both at European and national level is about 3M. He has been nominated as a regional competence reference person for advanced manufacturing solutions in Industry 4.0 in 2017, and as a contact person in the Cluster-PON call in 2017 for the CNR Department DIITET, which ISTI belongs to. His research interests are in the areas of internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor networks, cyberphysical systems, machine learning and data analysis techniques, smart environments, ambient assisted living, activity recognition and indoor localization. Read More Read Less

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Enabling Person-Centric Healthcare Using Ambient Assistive Technology37 %
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Enabling Person-Centric Healthcare Using Ambient Assistive Technology37 %
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Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing37 %
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Machine Learning and AI Techniques in Interactive Medical Image Analysis44 % NR
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