Panagiotis D Bamidis

Panagiotis D BamidisPanagiotis Bamidis, Associate Professor of Medical Education Informatics, leads the research teams of the Lab of Medical Physics. He has been the coordinator of large European projects (;,,, ) as well as the principal investigator for a number of national and international funded projects (more than 30 in total). He is currently coordinating a H2020 project SmokeFreeBrain ( aiming to address the effectiveness of a multi-level variety of interventions aiming at smoking cessation. His research interests are within technology enhanced learning (semantic web, big data, web2.0, serious games, virtual patients) and Affective and Physiological Computing and HCI. His publication record consist of more than 80 international refereed journal papers, and over 250 international peer reviewed conference papers, as well as several book chapters / edited conference proceedings volumes and over some 480 citations. In addition, he has been acting as a referee in more than 20 journals, and as Guest Editor in more than 12 journal special issues. He is a board member of the Greek Federation of Alzheimer's Associations, the Society of Applied Neuroscience, the Greek Association of Space Medicine Research, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and past member of the Alexander Innovation Zone of Thessaloniki, GR. He is currently a president of the Hellenic Society for Biomedical Technology (ELEVIT). He has been the Chairman/Organizer of seven international conferences (iSHIMR2001, iSHIMR2005, MEDICON2010, GASMA2010, SAN2011, MEI2012, MEI2015) and the Conference Producer of the Medical Education Informatics Conference Series (MEI2012, MEI2015) as well as Web Technologies for Medical Education Spring School Series. In 2009, he was awarded the Prize of the AUTH Research Committee for the Best Track Record in funded research projects among AUTH young academic staff. In 2015, he was awarded the title of the Honorary Professor of Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan, as well as the Pospelov Medal for his contributions to Medical Education development by the same University. Read More Read Less

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