Pamela K Hunter

Pamela K HunterIn this transformative journey of self-discovery, I, Pamela Hunter, Ph.D. M.Sc., invite you to explore the profound depths of holistic health and personal development. Driven by a passion for understanding the intricate connections between mind, body and spirit, I embarked on a quest to unlock the secrets of inner peace and well-being. As a certified Meditation & Holistic Human Development Teacher and Holistic Counselor, I have dedicated myself to unraveling the mysteries of meditation and mindfulness. My journey began with a deep dive into the transformative power of meditation, leading me to delve into the study of Neuro-Psychological Immunity and its profound effects on physical and emotional health. Seeking to bridge ancient wisdom with modern science, I pursued further studies in mindfulness, completing certificates in "Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance" under the guidance of esteemed experts like Dr. Richard Chambers and Associate Professor Craig Hassed. Immersive training in mindfulness, led by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., further enriched my understanding of these transformative practices. Driven by a desire to expand my knowledge of holistic health, I pursued studies in Metaphysical Sciences, earning both a Master's degree and my Ph.D. in this field. This journey deepened my appreciation for diverse philosophies and nurtured a profound respect for individuals from all walks of life. Culminating in the completion of my Master's degree with a focus on becoming a spiritual teacher and leader, I was honored with ordination as a Spiritual Minister. This designation empowers me to offer spiritual guidance and support to individuals navigating life's transitions. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in meditation, mindfulness, and holistic healing, I am committed to empowering others on their own paths to self-discovery and inner healing. Through my diverse expertise and compassionate approach, I strive to be a valuable resource for anyone seeking to cultivate greater well-being and fulfillment in their lives. Read More Read Less

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Is Stress a Mindset, or Triggered?36 % NR
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