Pamela HenkelIndividuals seasoned with generous amounts of charisma, compassion, and undeniableessence, possess the kind of ingenuity that shifts the world into its own greatness. Thespirited professional, Dr. Pamela Henkel, is stewarding these traits in unyieldig measure.Dr. Pamela Henkel is an International Best-Selling Author, multifaceted compere, speaker, elite coach, CEO, and Founder of Purpose with Pamela and Pamela Henkel Ministries. Hermultifaceted production and International radio conglomerate are fashioned to enthusewomen, entrepreneurs, authors, and diverse professionals to take hold of their life'spurpose.Dr. Pamela Henkel's mission is to add value to as many lives as possible. She reminds themthey are here on purpose with a Purpose by Design, not by default. Partnering her passionswith sincere regard for higher learning, community, and achievement, Dr. Pamela Henkel'scareer remains a reflection of creative grace, captivating the hearts and minds of many.She holds a doctorate in Philosophy, Christian Leadership, and Business and is on theBoard of Regents for Cornerstone University.Living life as one dedicated to the service of people, Dr. Henkel has maintained a nonpareilpresence in the modern business world. As the creative founder of The Presigous PurposeAwards, The Pamela Show, and more, she extends her podcast, International radio, andsocial platforms to promote the voices of many globally. Her propensity for success in herfield has led her to award-winning achievements, such as the nomination as one of the Top50 Women of Business, an elite membership of the Power Voice, and personal mentorshipfrom the world-renowned speaker and mentor Les Brown. Dr. Henkel also received theUnsung Hero Award for helping people get the education they desire and deserve. Dr.Henkel's expertise has led to her positions as Elite Head Coach at the Million in YouAcademy and as an International Speaker & Minister. She's also featured in thedocudrama Think And Grow Rich Moms Rising, inspiring and empowering women to reachtheir full potential.Dr. Pamela Henkel calls Minnesota home, where she enjoys spending time with her familyand family pets. She cherishes the moments she gets to share with her loved ones. As wellas always encouraging people to be the salt and the light everywhere they go. Read More Read Less